Much appreciation here. This is my favourite round-up ever so far.

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More importantly, Raffaella was daughter of Elspeth Barker, author of O Caledonia, which we just read for book group and which was our top scoring book of all time, hard recommend!

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Fabulous round up. That Windsor place 😵‍💫.

Can we come on the writing retreat if we don’t actually want to do any writing but just hang out & have a laugh?

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That Windsor house bedroom looks a lot like one at Le Manoir, wonder if there’s a link with the designer? (Only know this as did a kitchen then FOH stage and a perk was a tour of the rooms)

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We need cyberexboyfriend to review #5

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Good lord, that Windsor apartment. I imagine that's what happens when someone in the Chain of Design ingests a lot of the special mushrooms and then goes on a trip to Legoland and other local attractions.

I am very pro picturesque ruins in gardens though. Something about it is like a dopamine rush for my soul, especially if they also have peacocks. (The botanical garden in Lisbon was perfect for all these reasons and also pastries. I could cope much easier with suits of armoire scrutinising my every move if there were plates of Pastel De Nata about).

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