I’m a journalist and author called Sophie, based in London, who spent many years in LA interviewing celebrities for a living. The Sophist is a mailout about life’s absurdities, my conversations with my daughter, and how we wangled an unexpected life in Primrose Hill via a nice old lady landlord. It also includes a regular pisstake of all the houses I find while trawling through Rightmove. I used to write the lead column in Guardian Weekend magazine.

The Hungover Games, my memoir, is published by Penguin Random House and is about when I lived in Hollywood and accidentally became someone’s mother. The book went into the Sunday Times top ten bestseller lists during a pandemic, though I don’t like to go on about it. The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Irish Times and Cosmopolitan also put it in their Books of the Year lists for 2020, though I don’t like to go on about that either. I sold the TV rights to Moonage Pictures.

The Sophist mailout is sometimes free to read, but I put the juiciest bits behind the paywall because I’m skinter than you think, and subscribing to that will make you very, very alluring indeed. But if you’re short of money, or a single parent or a carer, then message me and you can have a paid subscription for a number of months for free. You don’t have to explain your circs, even if I know you, even if it feels silly. I am sillier. It’s fine.

Subscribe to The Sophist

Wisdom for idiots, the love of fools, and houses worth lusting over.


Wisdom for idiots, by Sophie Heawood