Could we turn that ex-government property in York into a writers’ commune? It looks like a great project. Put the poets in the attic, the crime and gothic writers in the basements- lots of room for all the other genres. And I bet there’s something interesting in the grounds for Sci-Fi enthusiasts.

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This plan is ideal in every way.

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Ha ha! I used to live in Catford over 20 years ago. Certainly changed! Here’s a bit off useless intel - my father in law manufactured the famous Catford Cat atop the entrance to the shopping centre.

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The Catford Cat! I might go and pay homage

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by The Sophist

Really don’t know what Catford gets so much attention when Plumstead isn’t that much further away but has better transport access (thanks Elizabeth line), no giant A Road cutting right through it, more green space, loads of Victorian houses with gardens and if you tell people where you live in a loud pub they’ll often think you said Hampstead and if they do hear you they’ll still won’t know where it is so you can say ‘near Greenwich’ so will get the associated social capital of sounding like a vaguely rich person regardless.

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Right that's it, let's do Plumstead next time. Feel free to send houses / areas and I shall practice my mumbling.

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It’s not for sale and may be in the process of being CPOed but I think you’d enjoy Dave Courtney’s house, Camelot.


Two houses knocked together with a caravan in the driveway, turrets with mannequins dressed as marksmen with rifles, knuckle dusters on the gates, a giant muriel of him and his associates as the knights of Camelot, a sex dungeon, this place has it all. Ian Gittins wrote his biography if you need background.

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This place has made it on to Inigo House. The artwork in pic 13 is something https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/133112393

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Oh my word. Love how the Inigo photos nearly all focus on either furniture or artworks that are not going to be there once you've bought the house.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by The Sophist

Practically perfect, in every way. Can confirm Catford is a shit hole 👌

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Amy has exquisite taste! I love the hearth mantle coordination with the artwork in the first pic, am curious about the back left wood/metal piece in pic 2, press or guillotine?

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It's an easel!

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I have been to Catford once and once only, and that's coming from somebody who lived in Redbridge by birth and then by choice.

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It's about time I featured Redbridge but am still triggered by all my failed driving lessons.

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Portobello is the best! My pal and I have joked that our husbands will retire to a remote Scottish island and we will retire to a Porty flat. Love our optimism that we’ll a) ever be able to retire and b) be able to buy in Porty.

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I have deep fantasies about Porty. Despite never having been. Let's all go there to retire / work freelance until death.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by The Sophist

Same! We swim at the Morton Street end and it’s beautiful. 💕

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Aha! A swimmer! How is the water?

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*tempted to move to Edinburgh*

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Same, let's swim in the Porty beach and pretend to be hardy Scots. I'm from Yorkshire so halfway there? (Cough cosseted Londoner cough)

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The decor in the Edinburgh flat is just 🔥 love it

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Really something else isn't it

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I’ll take the Fire Island beach shack thank you please

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SAME. That's the one for me, if I had to pick. Look how financially modest we are!

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Came for Catford, stayed for gay First Lady

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A sentence that has definitely never been written before.

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Hahaha! That’s the one. IWD dip there was properly magical. 5 degrees. Tits frozen right off. Thousands of us. Bosoms everywhere.

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If you enjoy a game of Cryptosporidium bingo it’s generally quite lovely!

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Diarrhea for bitcoin users? I'm there

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Catford is shit compared to bethnal 15 years ago! Whoever said that obviously wasn't cool enough for bethnal back then

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I'm off to investigate. Will report back (with asymmetrical haircut etc)

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