What’s the Paul Mescal gossip??

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ditto would like to know 😂

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Please may I just reassure you. When I lived in Greece I was at my absolute skinniest, about 4 whole stone lighter than I am now - I was slim by anybody’s measure. Apart from the good kyries of Greek retail. I recall looking for a top - a plain, black vest, not too impossible a brief, you’d have thought - in Hondos Center in town. Couldn’t find anything unembellished (so much diamanté!) so asked shop assistant for help, told her what I was looking for. She contorted her face as if being asked to offer up a child for slaughter, then produced one, then another, vest tops that would’ve struggled to go on my daughter’s Barbie. “Maybe something…a little bigger?”, I meekly asked. She looked so relieved, like I’d just freed her from the awful tyranny of not acknowledging the sheer SIZE of me, and whisked me away to a SPECIAL rail at the back of the shop, where she unfurled a sleeveless top that Pavarotti could have worn as a muumuu with several inches (each side) to spare. I didn’t buy a vest top. I went back upstairs and spent money I didn’t have on MAC makeup, to compensate for my monstrous form. Then stocked up when I next went back home. In a size 10. A lesson was learned about body positivity that day, and as soon as I’ve worked out what it was I’ll share it with you.

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I’m on holiday in Crete with my daughter. We’ve been accosted every time we walk into a shop as if we might steal something or worse, leave without buying anything. Most of the people staying in our hotel look like they are auditioning for Love Island. I’ve never seen so much muscle, filler, fake boobs and lashes in one place. There are lots of fed up boyfriends/partners being asked to take multiple angle photos against sunset backdrops.

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Happily (ironic, see my comment below), I am off to Crete tomorrow, can’t wait to relive my 2009 trauma 😆.

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me in every clothes shop :(

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I bought a pair of small-ish hoop earrings on holiday the other week (Mallorca) and the sales woman grimaced when I pointed them out.

‘They are very small, they are for a child?’

‘No, they’re for me’.

‘I suppose it could work, you have a short hair.’

Shamed for my ear lobes is a new one 😂

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Hahaha I’ve just been to Kefalonia and was the only person wearing an all in one swimming costume around the pool and not a tiny, half boobed bikini.

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i know this horrific behavior DID NOT HAPPEN ON HYDRA

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I love this!

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Which is hilarrrrious given actual Greek people are totally normal sizes. I really think it’s just Greek tourist shop assistants who need some body positivity learnings, as soon as I got out of the *popular towns all of a sudden my fat backside was totally worthy of selling to 🙂

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Hilarious! You have described my summer holiday shopping experience just perfectly. All strength to you and your sleemfeet arse.

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Gawd I have just spent a few months in Greece and the people chilling and hanging out of their shorts and bikinis on the beaches are SO body positive….but the clothes and the staff in the shops….ARE NOT!

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this is reminding me of our chat about that wellness spa who didn't hold back with the feedback 😂

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Happy hols and have a large helping of baklava from me xxxx

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Funny! Too rouge :D

But honestly, the cheek.

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